Finishing school is a supplementary training school popular in India that attempts to compensate for the deficiencies of low-tier colleges by providing specialized vocational training in technical fields such as computer programming and information technology.
The recent boom in the Indian economy has further enhanced the need for such finishing schools. These IT finishing schools cover technical skills as well as communication and problem solving skills. The biggest advantage of these finishing schools is that these schools cut down the "deployable time" for a company.
Other finishing schools attempt to make up for deficiencies in the Indian secondary education system with regards to math and science education and bring the student up to the level necessary for attending university and gaining admission. For instance, it is not uncommon for Indian students to spend an entire 1 to 2 years studying in a tutorial cram school after secondary education to gain entrance into a top medical or engineering school.
Western countries are often flooded by extremely over-prepared and well-networked Indian students, to the point of putting their own students at a disadvantage to their own rule and merit based college entrance and scholarship award systems where cram schools are virtually unknown, particular in Engineering and Medicine, areas which the Indian cram school focus on.